Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yesterday's E3 Showing: Sony vs. Microsoft

I have got to say, Sony smoked Microsoft. I didn't think it were possible, but I was wrong. Not only did Sony show that it was a more consumer friendly product, it made Microsoft look like the Sega of the past. For the younger viewers of my blog, Sega came out with consoles in the best and the last two did not do well at all. Here's what I thought of the Sony v. Microsoft viewing and why Sony smoked them.

If you did not watch last night, Sony had a better variety of games for their new consoles. Microsoft did, but they looked stupid and were made by companies that generally make bad games. D4 was the only promising game for the new Xbox One and even then, it looked stupid. If it's anything like Deadly Premonition, it's going to suck. Sony came out swinging with a new Killzone, Destiny--a game by the awesome Bungie--, Elder Scrolls Online, and some more. Really, those three were good enough as it stands. Microsoft came swinging with a wiffle ball bat and got smoked.

I won't lie, both systems had pretty impressive hardware. Honestly, they are close to modified personal computers for the poor man in terms of raw power. I think Sony might have a bit of an edge, but only time will tell when the systems come out. Also, the PS4 looks so much better than the Xbox One.

If you are not sure what that is, it's used for used games. Let's be honest, when you have an entire crowd going nuts because you said no to it, you won. Microsoft looked like an Oil Baron in front of Sony and this is one of the biggest reasons. No one likes when you try to screw the consumer. When I can't buy something from a competitor for cheaper, that's price fixing. In the states, that's supposed to be illegal. I say supposed to since the video game industry does it. Have you not noticed that all new games are $59.99 and new systems are about the same price? Anyway, this gives us more choices on how to spend our money and Microsoft dropped the ball.

Again, Sony knows we aren't made of money. The system will cost $100.00 less than the Xbox One and we can use used games. The games will all probably be the same flat cost on every system, so the only real win is the console cost.

In the end, Sony won the day. They just put a great showing out and that does make me happy. As someone who owns both companies products, I feel like this new generation will have me leaning towards the PS4. I don't think--after this showing--Microsoft will survive in the game department if they don't change their strategy. They will be like the Sega of the past if they don't get it together.

-- From a Halo fan

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