Thursday, June 13, 2013

Best Video Game Moments Part II

With such a giant library of games out there, it's almost impossible to get through them all or even know all the games out there, especially the most obscure ones. That's a bummer since so many amazing games have come out in the last 20 years and many of you will never have a chance to play these games. Well, almost a bummer since many games tend to not be that great anyway. Don't worry though, I will help you in this installment of Best Video Game Moments. Hopefully, if you have not tried the game out yet, you will give it a go through whatever means necessary...which you should if I am posting about it.

Nothing gets you pumped up like an action scene. Especially where physics need not apply. From sword fighting to blowing people up, game developers know how to get us wild up and ready. It's too bad that many of these scenes are repetitive and always the same. It's truly a rarity when one really sticks out at you for being something new and unique. That's why I give this honor to Devil May Cry 3's first cut scene. You know, the one where Dante beats everyone up.

Now, Devil May Cry has been one of my favorite game series since the first one came out a long time ago. It is one of the best action games I have ever had the opportunity to play. I bet many of you didn't know that DMC was supposed to be a new Resident Evil. Well now you know.

In this scene, Dante beats up a lot of bad guys. He does some crazy badass moves, and beats these demons down. What makes this scene one of the best moments is that Dante is awesome. He gets ambushed and stabbed multiple times, only to start kicking ass. Really, how many games does this happen? Not only that, he turns a jukebox to jam out while slicing opponents down.  You really can't get anything more ridiculous out of a character who basically doesn't care. Just watch the scene play out. Instant badassary.

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