Monday, February 11, 2013

I Want a new Shining Force Game

Damn skeletons
I want a new Shining Force game and I am sure many of you do too. It's been too long since I have been able to play a tactical rpg game on level with Fire Emblem and without archaic graphics (sorry hipsters, old school graphics were terrible in retrospect). I think it is time for Sony to bring those games to our shores now. Yes, Shining games are still released in Japan yearly due to what I am assuming is their popularity over there, but we get nothing. The last time a Shining game was released in America was what, 2007? That is already 6 years ago. In case you were curious what that game was, it was Shining Force EXA for the Playstation 2.

Want to know what system would benefit from this? The Playstation Vita. Unlike Disgaea, Shining Force would be a recognizable name to people outside of a niche market. That's important when you want to boost sales of your console and attract more companies to develop games for said console. Shining Force games would play beautifully on the Vita. Look at Fire Emblem. It plays well and looks great on a less powerful system. You also have an option to develop controls for the touch screen and the touch pad on the back of the system. Imagine moving your units by touching the screen and moving them along a grid? I would feel like a real commander and that would be awesome. With the wifi ability of the PS Vita, you could create multiplayer battles with units you acquire over the course of the game. I could go on and on about possibilities. Sony needs to get the ball rolling on this now.

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