Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday's Classic: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

I recall opening this box for the first time
It's that time again. I give you a classic game and you go play it for hours on end. What game is in store for this week? A game that was almost as classy as its original counterpart, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Over a decade ago, this game came out in Japan and impressed as much as its parent game. What makes this game so unique? Well, the plot for, one is a more fantastical story. To make it short, you follow the story of a kid who gets sucked into...wait for it...a Final Fantasy game and must return Ivalice back to normal.

I do have to say, this was one of my favorite games to play on the GBA when I was younger. Well, not too young since I was 15, but young enough. I still play this game to this day like its brand new. One thing that definitely stood out was the overall picture of the game. While the first FFT had darker color tones to portray the darker story, this game is the complete opposite. If I had to describe it, the graphics were a whimsical experience.

                      If you enjoy quirky Tactical RPG's, I recommend this one today! Go play!

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