Sunday, February 17, 2013

On the Fence with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

After Fire Emblem debuted at the beginning of the month on the Nintendo 3DS, another popular franchize will grace Nintendo on both current generation systems. That game would be Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Some people are probably wondering what is the difference between this game and the one on the original Wii. Well, to put it in layman's terms, it is just a graphically updated version of Monster Hunter Tri with added content. The added content consists of new monsters and areas to explore. So why am I on the fence on getting this game? I'll tell you now.

One reason I am hesitant about getting this game on the Wii U is that I don't own a Wii U. I will probably wait until Wind Waker HD comes out for it before I consider purchasing it. That is all I need to say about the Wii U version. The 3DS version is a whole different story though since I own one. The 3DS version is simply a portable version of the game. That's really cool if you think about it but it has to be missing a big component to it. What could it be? Oh yeah, there isn't any online capabilities for the game. How do you not include something like that for such a popular game? I will give it to Capcom though, they allow you to pick up your progress from either system and play on the other. That is pretty cool in my books. That deserves bonus points. They really should have allowed for online capabilities with a small party at least. With all the new content, no Monster Hunter fan should take a second look this game. If you are on the fence like me, it might be worth waiting until the fourth installment comes around or pick up a cheap ($17.99 used at Gamestop) used copy for the original Wii and give it a try.

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