I figured I would give my Nintendo 3DS a rest today after dominating armies in Fire Emblem: Awakening and talk on a few subjects to close out the night for everyone. I think I will number these subjects tonight for you to find what you want to read and agree with or rage at the keyboard with. Yeah, I will do a little table of contents.
1. PS3 and why it is still worth purchasing the bundles
2. Shinning Force II and the quick rage quick
1. Who would have guessed Sony would give us such epic bundles at the supposed end of the PlayStation 3's lifecycle? I think everyone should be raising their hands on this one. Is this a sign that Sony is milking whatever they can for this system? Yes and no. Are any of these bundles worth purchasing? Ahh, yeah. How can it not be worth it to pick up one of these awesome bundles when they come to market, especially if you don't own a PS3 like I do. The new bundle coming out in March features a red PS3 and a God of War compilation as I pointed out in a previous post. It looks brutal and I know where my $300.00 from my already depleted (thank you Sony and Nintendo) account is going. With an amazing library that has become affordable and future games coming for this system still, it is almost a steal. Sony is also known for not letting their consoles die, look at the PS2 that finally ceased to be marketed. I think the bundles and the gaming speaks for itself (Tales series, God of War series, Kingdom Hearts series, etc).
2. I had to pull myself away from Fire Emblem today. How did I do that? By playing a game I have not played since the early 1990's when I was a weeee little lad. Yeah, that game was Shinning Force II and yes, I raged quick faster than a duck quacked. Talk about a game that is hard. Right off the bat I was getting my butt handed to be by some ghost. How did I ever beat this game when I was younger and less aware of how to win games? If the game had any calming quality for me, it was the old school castle atmosphere and the fantastic sound track.
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