Sunday, February 10, 2013

This Weekend in Gaming

The weekend is finally coming to an end and a new week dawns on us to feel defeated. Speaking of defeated, I felt like that after playing on the lunatic difficulty in Fire Emblem: Awakening. Honestly, there is a tough difficulty level and then there is the lunatic difficulty in Fire Emblem. Oh, and to show how much of a masochistic I can be, I selected the classic mode option. You know, the one where troops permanently die. Yeah, I had to restart my game after loosing way to many of my guys.

Anyway, I had to work most of this weekend so I did not get to game as much as my heart desired. I tackled a new difficulty in Fire Emblem and that is about as far as my weekend went. I read that the Wii U and the Playstation Vita are not doing well as projected. I mean, what do you expect when a system cost $250.00 and more? Plus the Wii U has no original games worth buying currently when people still can play there Wii games on their Wii's. For the Playstation Vita? The memory cards are still killing them. Not that you cannot justify the price compared to paying for extra memory in an iPod. With that comparison, Sony needs to realize that their gadgets don't have as intense of a religious following as apple products and it's time to tone down the price.

Well anyway, I need to get ready for work. I promise tomorrow I will have a meatier and fatter blog post that will make your heads explode.

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