Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Animal Crossing: A Quick Review

As I enter the little town known as Aberdeen, I find myself greeting furry residents as their new mayor. There's Astrid, some rainbow colored kangaroo, who always has fleas jumping around on her fur. I have Sally, a very masochistic squirrel who seems to do nothing but punish himself for little known reasons. And of course, I have Sully--there must be something with names that start with A and S in this game--who asks me if I even lift when I approach this boastful cat creature. I would be lying if I said that the towns people were far from unique...and weird. I make sure that everyday I gather resources to sell, outfit my museum with new things, and make sure that public works are funded properly. It's all in a days work as a mayor. For those that have not played the game yet, here is a quick review of the important things of the games.

Celebrating a new bench because why not?

Animal Crossing plays similarly to its predecessors. You go around the town and build it up. You make money by doing various activities like fishing and netting bugs. There are day specific events for you to attend.The new feature of swimming seams like a gimmick that really wasn't needed. This type of game play is fun and addicting though. It may seem like tedious task you do everyday like shoveling up fossils, but I can't find myself stopping it for one day. They really know how to get you into a routine that's fun to do everyday.


The music in this game is fun and catchy. I mean, what makes a perfect song is how catchy it is to people. I find myself enjoying all the tunes that come through my headphones and sometimes coming up with my own themes at the office. These tracks are not hard, but are perfectly quirky. I have not had a chance to hear K.K. Rider yet, so I can't review that, sorry guys.


I would be lying if I said the look of the game didn't matter compared to the gameplay. Honestly, this is one of the best looking 3DS games out in the market. The only game I can think of that looks just as good was the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The 3D in this game was perfectly done...well as perfect as it could be done. It just looks fantastic. It helps to that all the colors are bright palates, but still, looks great. 

Value for your Money

If there is one thing that I will argue, this game is a steal for your money. The game itself is only $34.99 compared to many 3DS games that are priced at $39.99. The price does not only justify the cost, but the actual game does that for you. I honestly pick the game up for an hour a day, and I still feel fresh when playing it. I have yet to get bored of it, which is a big deal. There are also different seasons for you to play in and various events that go on. It really is worth the price tag and it probably is worth more than that.


Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a welcome addition to the franchise as well as to the Nintendo 3DS. It's not often that good simulation games are made, but I think Nintendo really hit it with this one. Not only is it perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers, it's a great game for people of all ages. If you have not had a chance to pick this game up, I would suggest doing it soon.

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