Friday, June 28, 2013

Five Game Characters that Kick Ass

I came across an article today listing the ten best game characters and I must say, I don't agree with every choice the author made. I agreed with his selections of Mario, Sonic, and a few others, but some of them were garbage. I decided to make my own list. A numbered list of characters that actually had an influence in the gaming world and kicked ass. Well, only five characters today.

5. Master Chief 
If there was ever a war in the future against awesome looking aliens, I would expect Master Chief to be up front and tea-bagging those newbs. John--which is his real name--is one of the most badass main characters that has ever graced the gaming world. He was a man that did not say much and just got the job done. Aliens invading your world? No problem. Master Chief would take a pistol and pop those grunts back from a mile away. Really, his character is iconic in the gaming world. Not only does he embody stereotypical badassary, but he has a AAA game to back him up. Everyone knows Master Chief. You know he is kind of a big deal when he has his own special Spartan uniform.  

4. Cloud
If I was a chode, I would have just put Cloud's sword. That weapon is widely known in the gaming world because it's a huge freakin' sword. Look at it for a minute and tell me that's not excessive. Well, besides being known for his sword, Cloud is the main protagonist in Final Fantasy 7. He was the embodiment of the franchise for the Playstation. There may have been better games in the franchise on the first Playstation, but Cloud is the one character that everyone knows. He almost always lands in the top 5 in polls for popular characters and rightfully so. Cloud is one kick ass character that knows how to get the job done when it matters. It also helps that he appears in more than one game like Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy Tactics. If you are popular enough to be in more than one game, you are pretty kick ass.

3. Mega Man
I would be a terrible person if I did not put Mega Man on this list. The blue bomber is known for his multiple platform titles and his various spin-off series like Mega Man X and Legends. He's a dude that goes around beating baddies and taking their powers through multiple stage levels. If you have never played a Mega Man game, you are really missing out. He and his spin-off clones are some of the coolest characters to have ever graced the Nintendo and future consoles. Look at him. He's just awesome. It really is a welcome surprise that he will finally be in Super Smash Brothers. I know who I will be using all the time!

2. Samus
Samus is one of the best female protagonist to date. She does rolls, shots lasers like Mega Man, and runs around in a pretty awesome armor suit. It's not often we see female characters as cool as her, but damn can she kick alien ass. It was pretty shocking when gamers found out she was a female upon completion of the original Metroid game. Really, without getting into real specifics, she is the female Mega Man, which makes her just that more awesome.

1. Link
Link. What can I say about this former lefty? Well, for one, he is definitely one of the most popular videogame characters to date. He's probably more famous than anyone on this list and future list I make. With that said, our silent protagonist is always the hero of something who fights Ganondolf or some other evil being to save something. He always carries the triforce of courage with him in his games. Even more amazing, not all the Links are the same. Actually, most are different heroes in their own time, fighting for their own reasons, and usually saving a maiden at the end of the day. Even in this day and age, Link is still as relevant to the gaming world as anyone new or old. It doesn't matter that the series is over 20 years old, what matters is that Link still goes on ridiculous adventures. He still gets it done at the end of the day and that's what matters.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Animal Crossing: A Quick Review

As I enter the little town known as Aberdeen, I find myself greeting furry residents as their new mayor. There's Astrid, some rainbow colored kangaroo, who always has fleas jumping around on her fur. I have Sally, a very masochistic squirrel who seems to do nothing but punish himself for little known reasons. And of course, I have Sully--there must be something with names that start with A and S in this game--who asks me if I even lift when I approach this boastful cat creature. I would be lying if I said that the towns people were far from unique...and weird. I make sure that everyday I gather resources to sell, outfit my museum with new things, and make sure that public works are funded properly. It's all in a days work as a mayor. For those that have not played the game yet, here is a quick review of the important things of the games.

Celebrating a new bench because why not?

Animal Crossing plays similarly to its predecessors. You go around the town and build it up. You make money by doing various activities like fishing and netting bugs. There are day specific events for you to attend.The new feature of swimming seams like a gimmick that really wasn't needed. This type of game play is fun and addicting though. It may seem like tedious task you do everyday like shoveling up fossils, but I can't find myself stopping it for one day. They really know how to get you into a routine that's fun to do everyday.


The music in this game is fun and catchy. I mean, what makes a perfect song is how catchy it is to people. I find myself enjoying all the tunes that come through my headphones and sometimes coming up with my own themes at the office. These tracks are not hard, but are perfectly quirky. I have not had a chance to hear K.K. Rider yet, so I can't review that, sorry guys.


I would be lying if I said the look of the game didn't matter compared to the gameplay. Honestly, this is one of the best looking 3DS games out in the market. The only game I can think of that looks just as good was the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The 3D in this game was perfectly done...well as perfect as it could be done. It just looks fantastic. It helps to that all the colors are bright palates, but still, looks great. 

Value for your Money

If there is one thing that I will argue, this game is a steal for your money. The game itself is only $34.99 compared to many 3DS games that are priced at $39.99. The price does not only justify the cost, but the actual game does that for you. I honestly pick the game up for an hour a day, and I still feel fresh when playing it. I have yet to get bored of it, which is a big deal. There are also different seasons for you to play in and various events that go on. It really is worth the price tag and it probably is worth more than that.


Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a welcome addition to the franchise as well as to the Nintendo 3DS. It's not often that good simulation games are made, but I think Nintendo really hit it with this one. Not only is it perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers, it's a great game for people of all ages. If you have not had a chance to pick this game up, I would suggest doing it soon.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Wii U : What it Needs to Survive

Let's be honest, the Wii U is not doing well in the markets in its first year. That's disappointing considering it's part of a historied company that has pushed the bounds of our imagination. Nintendo is like the Disney of Japan, they bring the magical and the fantastical to life with modern technology. The future for Nintendo is bleak with the competition it is up against in the coming year with the Playstation 4 and Xbox One. If Nintendo wants to survive this generation, they will have to change a few things. 

The Price

The Wii U is expensive like most new things on the market. It's not unheard of for a console to be around $299.99 or more. Actually, systems have been priced close to that as far back as I can remember. The problem is, it's not working for Nintendo. The only way Nintendo can justify the price is by producing systems with more than 8gb and 32gb hard drives. I am well aware that you can buy external hard drives, but that just adds to the total bill. Sony and Microsoft are offering 500gb internal hard drives for their systems for $99.99 - $199.99 with the possibility of better overall technology than the Wii U*. That's a better deal than what Nintendo is offering. If Nintendo wants to survive, they need to readjust the price of their console.

New Games

I know this is an obvious one to put, but Nintendo is lacking games on its console. Virtual Console games are not going to cut it as "new" games. Many gamers--including myself--own past generation consoles and games that still work. Why would we want to buy those games again? That's a waste of money and a waste of time. What Nintendo needs to do is start cranking out their more famous titles as they have been doing as of late. We need more Mario and more Zelda. I don't care if "critics" say they are stale, they still sell and I still enjoy them.

Nintendo could also benefit buy bringing a new flagship title to the Wii U. They need more than Zelda and Mario to carry them over to this generation. Many kids that enjoyed platforming with Mario or going on an adventure with Link in the late 1980's-1990's are adults now. They aren't spending as much time playing these games and might not be playing anymore. It's time to appeal to a younger, newer generation of gamers with a new mascot. I would argue any genre is fine, as long as the younger crowd can identify. 

Oh, and start making Fire Emblem games for the Wii U since Awakening did so well. Actually tactical role-playing games and other types of role-playing games could make use of that Pad that comes with the system. Nintendo could use more RPG's as well! Are there really any out there on the Wii U? I feel that Nintendo concentrates this genre on their 3DS and it's hurting them. They need to start making more games in this genre ASAP.  


Now that I mention games and appealing to a younger generation as well, what is the Wii U's identity? The console with the enormous tablet? The console that has an abundant of Mario and old people games? That console that I use as a bookshelf? Honestly, I have no idea what the Wii U's identity is today. When I see other consoles, I see that it conveys a message to me. The Playstation 4 says, "Hey, I am going to be a portable PC that will have a great library." When I see the Xbox One, I see a system that will appeal to entertainment, the movie/game experience at the comfort of your home. The Wii U needs an identity that will make people want to buy it. I have no desire besides it being a Nintendo console with a giant tablet. 


Nintendo can change a few things to survive this generation. I only named a few things, but even these three changes could save the console. Nintendo needs to stop being stubborn and take a hit for a little bit in the wallet. It will work in their future and ours later on in the Wii U's life.

*I say possibility of better technology since the systems are not out yet. I also say this since I take into account more than the actual hardware.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Age Video Games: My Rant

Lately, I find myself playing a lot of older video games and action role-playing games. This ranges from games like Shinning Force I  to Phantasy Star Online to Persona 3. These are games that I have beaten multiple times over the last two decades and yet, I am still playing and finishing them with much enthusiasm. I don't really find myself finishing many new games. I honestly think the last game I beat that's new was Fire Emblem: Awakening. That's a problem when most major games will cost you $59.99 for a new copy of what might sit and collect dust on your shelf. 

I know why newer games don't hold my interests and I bet this rings true to many gamers. Video games are becoming interactive movies. When I turn on a game and start playing, I don't ask to sit through 30-minutes of cutscenes and asked to press buttons the whole time. That's no fun to me. I want to move my character(s) around the map, battling foes, and winning the hearts of virtual princesses. I don't want to sit there while some stereotypical angry white guy is beating up some baddies for me while I press a button on screen. What am I, 3 years old and learning shapes? It's insulting as a video game enthusiasts to be treated as a child in a digital world.

A great example of this is the beginning of Uncharted 3. When you first start the game, you are lead into a bar scene that goes on for an eternity. Once the actual game play starts, I am moving around and coordinating button presses against the gang. The game even tells me what buttons to press and mash. That's not fun at all. Well, depending on the game, it can be a little fun, but if I wanted to play Dance Dance Revolution, I would of laid down a mat and started jumping up and down like an idiot.

There really is a difference between compelling story telling in a movie and in a video game. Take an example from one of my favorite games, Final Fantasy IX. Not only is there a great story with great scenes, there was an actual game to play. You had to spend time building up your characters equipment, magic, and levels. I didn't just press a bunch of buttons for 40 hours to feel like I sat through an expensive movie. I was part of that game and story. If I wanted to see a scene, it wasn't just given to me, I had to find it or progress through the story to see it. Now, I have to progress through movie scenes to find the actual game. That's the difference. When a game company made a compelling story, the game play was still valued more. What these newer game developers are doing is forgetting that one value. They are valuing the cinematic over the game play. That sucks.

I understand that these games aim for sales to make money. I know these games need to appeal to a large demographic to make sales meet. Why does it have to be at the expense of actual game play? There is a reason why Retro/Indie games are becoming popular now. These developers keep the game part of video games in their products. They are not looking for a blockbuster interactive movie, but know they will make their money delivering an awesome product for me to play.

What happened to the gaming industry? Has it become such a huge machine that it forgot why it exists in the first place? Hopefully, with this new generation of gaming, we can get back to playing actual games.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why I am Going with the PS4 First

With the advent of a new generation of consoles coming out, it's time to start throwing our lot with one company in the future. It is not a hidden fact that many of us can't afford to own all three consoles and so we are forced to make a choice. Considering the dominant side genres in my taste range are rpg's and adventure games, I will be casting my dice with Sony first. PlayStation has always been the system to go to if you wanted to play the best of these genres. I can't see this generation being any different in that regard. The Xbox has never really offered exclusives in those genres that would make it worth purchasing in the future. PlayStation is also cheaper than Xbox. That's a big deal when money is tight. I don't know about anyone else, but that is an extra game in my pocket. The Wii U is better priced, but it's not nearly as powerful. I think the biggest deterrent to the new Xbox right now for me the 24 hour check in. People, if you did not know, that takes up bandwidth. You might be paying almost an extra $100.00 a year for that. Yeah, I am poor, so no thank you. It also makes sense for me since I own a PS Vita.  Now that Sony is asking the developers to make the games cross play compatible, I will finally get the full use of the Vita that was promised to us by Sony.

So yeah, I am going PS4 first.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Uncharted 3: My Rant

It's rare that I ever get really aggravated at a video game. There are moments where I might be frustrated by a single to a few scenes or may be some Dance Revolution button scheme, but I was blown away today by controls. That being said, Uncharted 3 has to have some of the worst controls I have ever had the misfortune of using. How can anyone play this game and say it's great when the controls are terrible? I will say that the story of the game is captivating, but the experience was ruined by loose controls. First of all, moving is a clumsy obstacle. Moving left or right is uncomfortable and riddled with pauses. Jumping is terrible and that makes jumping onto walls aggravating. I can't even go on. Thank god the story and the cinematic experience of the game were amazing or I would have told everyone to avoid the game.

Friday, June 14, 2013

DLC a Possibility for Zelda?

Nintendo Life's exclusive interview with Eiji Aonuma definitely raised some eyebrows. A brief synopsis of the article is that the team is considering future DLC content for their Zelda installments. I could not believe what I had just read. DLC is a possibility for future Zelda games? Does this also mean that other franchises like Mario have the possibility of having DLC? This is just a bad idea for Nintendo right now, especially since they are competing with Sony and Microsoft right now with their not so-doing-so-great-in-sales system.

I guess in this day and age, it makes sense for companies trying to profit off their games. Who doesn't like making extra money? I know I do. Many games it works well for like the Elder Scrolls. The DLC adds much to an already expansive game, almost making them their own game. What could you possibly add to games like Zelda? A new dungeon with an item you probably don't need anyway? Do you add color palates to Link's tasteful attire? Honestly, what do you add that would make it worth the money?

Nintendo would be moving in the wrong direction if they added this to one of their most beloved franchises. I can't fathom what value DLC would bring to this game besides stupid stuff like extra weapons and unnecessary dungeons. I would actually be bothered if they did something like this. What would stop them from making DLC characters for Super Smash Brothers or future Mario Bros.? It wouldn't and it would hurt the company. Right now, Nintendo isn't doing so well and going in the direction of an unpopular service can only hurt them. What they should be concentrating on is differentiating themselves from Sony and Microsoft by making their add-on content free. Instead of taking advantage of a system that's flawed, Nintendo needs to say, "No". If DLC does come into fruition, I hope it's done with taste and with the consumers in mind. It can only them if they do that.

So to summarize, I am bothered with the idea of DLC for Zelda and most Nintendo games. Just give us the whole game!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Best Video Game Moments Part II

With such a giant library of games out there, it's almost impossible to get through them all or even know all the games out there, especially the most obscure ones. That's a bummer since so many amazing games have come out in the last 20 years and many of you will never have a chance to play these games. Well, almost a bummer since many games tend to not be that great anyway. Don't worry though, I will help you in this installment of Best Video Game Moments. Hopefully, if you have not tried the game out yet, you will give it a go through whatever means necessary...which you should if I am posting about it.

Nothing gets you pumped up like an action scene. Especially where physics need not apply. From sword fighting to blowing people up, game developers know how to get us wild up and ready. It's too bad that many of these scenes are repetitive and always the same. It's truly a rarity when one really sticks out at you for being something new and unique. That's why I give this honor to Devil May Cry 3's first cut scene. You know, the one where Dante beats everyone up.

Now, Devil May Cry has been one of my favorite game series since the first one came out a long time ago. It is one of the best action games I have ever had the opportunity to play. I bet many of you didn't know that DMC was supposed to be a new Resident Evil. Well now you know.

In this scene, Dante beats up a lot of bad guys. He does some crazy badass moves, and beats these demons down. What makes this scene one of the best moments is that Dante is awesome. He gets ambushed and stabbed multiple times, only to start kicking ass. Really, how many games does this happen? Not only that, he turns a jukebox to jam out while slicing opponents down.  You really can't get anything more ridiculous out of a character who basically doesn't care. Just watch the scene play out. Instant badassary.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Yesterday's E3 Showing: Sony vs. Microsoft

I have got to say, Sony smoked Microsoft. I didn't think it were possible, but I was wrong. Not only did Sony show that it was a more consumer friendly product, it made Microsoft look like the Sega of the past. For the younger viewers of my blog, Sega came out with consoles in the best and the last two did not do well at all. Here's what I thought of the Sony v. Microsoft viewing and why Sony smoked them.

If you did not watch last night, Sony had a better variety of games for their new consoles. Microsoft did, but they looked stupid and were made by companies that generally make bad games. D4 was the only promising game for the new Xbox One and even then, it looked stupid. If it's anything like Deadly Premonition, it's going to suck. Sony came out swinging with a new Killzone, Destiny--a game by the awesome Bungie--, Elder Scrolls Online, and some more. Really, those three were good enough as it stands. Microsoft came swinging with a wiffle ball bat and got smoked.

I won't lie, both systems had pretty impressive hardware. Honestly, they are close to modified personal computers for the poor man in terms of raw power. I think Sony might have a bit of an edge, but only time will tell when the systems come out. Also, the PS4 looks so much better than the Xbox One.

If you are not sure what that is, it's used for used games. Let's be honest, when you have an entire crowd going nuts because you said no to it, you won. Microsoft looked like an Oil Baron in front of Sony and this is one of the biggest reasons. No one likes when you try to screw the consumer. When I can't buy something from a competitor for cheaper, that's price fixing. In the states, that's supposed to be illegal. I say supposed to since the video game industry does it. Have you not noticed that all new games are $59.99 and new systems are about the same price? Anyway, this gives us more choices on how to spend our money and Microsoft dropped the ball.

Again, Sony knows we aren't made of money. The system will cost $100.00 less than the Xbox One and we can use used games. The games will all probably be the same flat cost on every system, so the only real win is the console cost.

In the end, Sony won the day. They just put a great showing out and that does make me happy. As someone who owns both companies products, I feel like this new generation will have me leaning towards the PS4. I don't think--after this showing--Microsoft will survive in the game department if they don't change their strategy. They will be like the Sega of the past if they don't get it together.

-- From a Halo fan

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Quick Monday Update

Today E3 happened. We learned about new titles being released for the new systems. It also looks like a bunch of remakes are coming for the Vita, but at least it's something. The Xbox One disappointed me a lot. All the games were from sub-par companies and the games themselves were not appealing. I am not afraid to say that I might avoid that system for awhile. That's all I will say for today on the topic of E3. Animal Crossing: New Leaf has been released in the United States and let me tell you, quite a casual game. It's the first game that I could argue was targeted to all gamers. Fun game if you get a chance to play it. Well, that's all for tonight. I should write an epic post for tomorrow. Peace guys.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Games are Important to Me

At the time of writing this, I finally hit 1,000 page views. Thank you to everyone that reads my blog! I never thought I would reach that number in less than 6 months, but I did. So again my viewers, thank you. For this occasion, I want to share with everyone why video games are so important to me. I can always blog about games, but it never really makes sense unless you know why that is.

Video games make me feel involved. Have you ever went to a movie or looked at a painting and thought, "Hey this is really nice, but something is missing". That's because you can't be involved in the person's story telling, you can only view and be in awe or disgust with the product. When I watch a Batman movie, I find it entertaining to watch as he purges crime from Gotham City, but I am not involved in this said purging. The minute I begin playing a game like Demon Souls though, I feel like I am involved in my created character's struggle to survive. I understand the pains and tribulations that he must go through in order to complete his objective just as I can only watch Batman struggle without really understanding those two subjects.Video games make me feel involved and that's important to me.

Many video games allow me to craft my own character and determine his or her development. What's entertainment if you are not fully involved with your own created persona? I can't bring to life other people's creations.  When I create a character, I am creating a person that will develop in the developer's own world. An example would be in Fable.You choose the path to be a good guy or bad. When I look at a picture, that variable is already set for me. Either the guy in the picture is good or the guy in the picture is bad and I have to deal with it. Well that sucks. When I have the ability to craft my own persona in a game, that is important to me.

Lastly, games are just fun. While I can only spend an hour watching some crappy movie, I can play a great game for more. I do find it entertaining to explore new worlds that could never exist. I don't care if some bank is being robbed in Batman, I care more that a giant dragon is about to rain hell on some poorly crafted cottages in some random meadow. I'll let the police do their job and the paper work while I tame the mega-beast. I get bored watching people do stuff. Why not throw me a flippin' controller and let me take passenger seat in a Warhog. Why not let me craft my own fun? Don't set the standard of fun because you

Basically, video games are important because I am involved more with them. I am the hero, not the spectator. I could go on-and-on, but it's Saturday and most of us want to go have fun! Until tomorrow or Monday. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Best Setting for RPG's

As I continued on my journey in Ni no Kuni, I began to wonder what engrossed my attention to this particular game. It's not like the story was all that unique to the genre. It has your basic rpg hero plot. You go around the world with your posse to make the world a better place by defeating whatever evil entity is making it terrible. When it comes to combat, the magic and familiar system is nothing unique as a concept since I have seen it in the Tales games and yet, I knew there was something that drew me to this game. It was something that I had not seen in many video games as of late. What was it that drew me to this game and other role-playing games?

Real Pastoral Setting
It's always the setting of the game. Look at the best role-playing games to date. They are set in a pastoral world that you would see with stories such as The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings. It makes perfect sense. For some reason, that type of fantasy setting always gives you a mystical feel. That's why they are perfect settings for writing some of the greatest stories in both literature and video games. When I play a game like Valkyria Chronicles, my eyes light up and my imagination runs wild. When I play something too industrial, too city-like,  I feel that my taste need to be more matured and perfectly logical to enjoy. It makes sense if you compare it to a Shakespeare play. Just like in Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream, one of the themes that the author is trying to illustrate is that the outside of the city is the place where magic can happen while the city is where logic and reason can only occur.
Weather it be a Legend of Zelda, Shining Force I/II, or even a Final Fantasy game, I am always traveling in a pastoral setting. Maybe it's the bright green grass and the clear blue skies that make me feel adventures and the fauna that the surroundings produce. Maybe it's knowing that I will be traveling long distances not knowing exactly where I am going. Heck, maybe it's knowing that magic exists and there is logic to it in these unique worlds. Whatever it is, the best setting for the role-playing experience is the pastoral setting. You can never go wrong with it. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quick Wednesday Update

Not much news has circulated today besides that God Eater Burst will be free for PS+ members this month, replacing Orc Attack. I am also still getting my canned kicked in Blazblue. I am improving though and I should pick up a copy for PS3. Well, that's all for today.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday's Gaming Post: BlazBlue and How DLC Sucks

Geez, I honestly don't have much to post today. My day consisted of applying to jobs I will never hear back from and playing BlazBlue on the Playstation Vita. That reminds me, you can download BlazBlue for free if you are a Playstation Plus member still. It's an amazing fighting game that I keep getting my ass kicked in. I am doing better, but it's going to be an uphill battle. The variety of characters and their unique styles of fighting really shows that Arc Systems put a great deal of time into making an excellent game. There are so many options to choose from. I find myself always selecting network and ranked match, only to be disappointed by my abilities in this game.

In other news, apparently data is showing that Halo 4's DLC is not keeping players engaged in playing. If you look at these charts, you can see a drastic dip of hours logged into this game. I am not really surprised by this. What keeps players engaged is a great game. Look at Halo 3 for instance. It may have had DLC, but what kept players coming back was an incredible and basic multiplayer. There were no superpower ups that you attach before battle like Bro of Duty, you just went out there and kicked some newbs ass while Teabagging them and telling them how much sex you had with their mother. DLC is only good if it adds to the game tremendously like Blood Dragon did for Far Cry 3 or Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen expansion did. Making DLC for stupid stuff will not keep gamers engaged in your product. I mean, the spartan missions were the same thing every time, so the lack variety did kill it a little bit. The point is, if you are going to make DLC engaging, it has to be ridiculously awesome to the 10th power.

That's it for today, happy gaming.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Tales of Symphonia Unisonant Pack Confirmed for the PS3

That's right, for all the Tales loving fans out there, one of the best games in the series is being remade for the Playstation 3. It was both confirmed at the Tales Festival and to be localized in the West! That means we will have an opportunity to play this great game again in HD with the added bonus of Dawn of the New World. This is great news for new fans to the series and to those that never had the chance play this spectacular game. I can't tell you how excited I am, even if it's a remake of two classic games.

The release of this remastered game tells me two things. First, it tells me that Namco Bandai actually cares about their fans in the West and listens to us in generally. They realize that people over here actually enjoy playing there fantastic games and that makes them willing to localize it for us. Two, it tells me that the fan base for the Tales games are continuously growing in the western world. It really should be no surprise since the popularity of videogames has exploded--it still begs the question why it still is a stigma to many--and more and more people are playing them. Despite how niche the rpg genre is in generally, it still has a huge following of loyal fans willing and ready to play and even Namco Bandai knows that they should capitalize on the situation.

I really am excited for this game though. It's been too long since I have had the chance to play Tales of Symphonia and I will finally get the chance to try Dawn of the New World. For newcomers to the Tales series, not many make it out here, so it's kind of a big deal. After the break, you can find the trailer for this game.