Monday, March 25, 2013

Too Many Games Released Too Soon?

With the constant releases of new games every day, my backlog is getting a bit intense. I think right now I have around 10 games that I need to complete. That's right 10. I can probably list them. Actually, I will at the end of this post. Most of the games on my list are almost completed but for one reason or another, I just have not done so. The problem is that too many games are released too soon. I have to put one game down in order to star another and it ends up in my backlog. Take this month alone. A new Luigi's mansion came out yesterday, a new BioShock comes out tomorrow, MLB: The Show and Tomb Raider in the same month? How can I possibly keep up with all of this? It's just not possible. I understand the business end of the deal, but give me a chance to complete some games here guys. What was it this month? 5+ big named games? Do you honestly think I can complete that many in a month? I will be gray by the time I get around to playing all the games I want to. Your games will drop in price by the time I get a chance to purchase them, making you lose money. So slow up on the releases.

1. Tales of Graces f
2. Tales of Vesperia 
3. Dark Souls
4. Spec Ops
5. Darksiders
6. Way of the Samurai 3
7. Valkyria Chronicles
8. Gravity Rush
9. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
10. Halo 4

I have decided that I am going to attempt to beat a game once a week. I think I can manage it. Well, most of the games, JRPG's take forever to beat and Darksiders bored me to stop. 

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